1. 主要从事土壤侵蚀与植被恢复研究。
2. 近几年发表论文
1. Kou M, Jiao J Y. Changes in
vegetation and soil properties across 12 years after afforestation in the
hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022,
33: e01989. (SCI-IF21:3.380)
2. Kou M, Jiao J Y, Yin Q L, et
al. Successional trajectory over 10 years of vegetation restoration ofabandoned
slope croplands in the hill-gully region of the loess plateau[J]. Land
Degradation & Development, 2016, 27 (4): 919-932. (SCI-IF21:4.977)
3. Kou M, Patricio Garcia-Fayos P,
Hu S, Jiao J Y,. The effect of Robinia
pseudoacacia afforestation on soil and vegetation properties in the Loess
Plateau (China): a chronosequence approach [J]. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 375: 146-158. (SCI-IF21:3.558)
4. 寇萌, 焦菊英, 王巧利, 尹秋龙. 黄土丘陵沟壑区不同植被带植物群落的细根分布特征. 农业机械学报, 2016, 47 (2):161-171. (EI收录)
5. 寇萌, 黄德娇. 秦岭山区双河口古镇旅游发展研究.湖北农业科学, 2021, 60(04):49-51+60.
6. 寇萌, 李烨. 中学地理教学中环境教育探讨.咸阳师范学院学报, 2020, 35(02):114-116.
7. 寇萌, 尹秋龙, 焦菊英. 黄土丘陵沟壑区10种单子叶植物叶片解剖结构及环境适应性. 西北植物学报, 2019,
8. 寇萌,焦菊英.黄土丘陵沟壑区抵抗土壤侵蚀的植物群落结构特征[J]. 水土保持研究, 2018, 25(06):7-14+21.
9. 寇萌, 焦菊英, 尹秋龙. 黄土丘陵沟壑区潜在抗侵蚀植物分析[J]. 生态学报, 2017, 37(05):1561-1571.
10. 寇萌, 焦菊英, 尹秋龙,等. 黄土丘陵沟壑区主要草种枯落物的持水能力与养分潜在归还能力[J].生态学报,
2015, 35 (5):1337-1349.